MCEEA'S HISTORYJune 2009 Members of both the Michigan Council for Internships & Cooperative Education (MC-ICE) and Michigan Association of Colleges and Employers (Mi-ACE) voted at the joint conference to merge these long standing state organizations into one. Members of both organizations spoke loud and clear that this was a crucial time for the State of Michigan to create a more unified front to leverage resources and respond to the changing market conditions. August 2009 A consolidation Committee of volunteers was formed to help shape the future of the new state organization. The ultimate goal of this Consolidation Committee was to introduce a new state organization that would capitalize on stronger relationships between colleges, universities, and employers in the areas of internship, co-op, and employment. As a result of developing a clear and focused mission fostering collaboration between higher education and the employment sector, a new name was created. The new State of Michigan organization is called Michigan Career Educator and Employer Alliance (MCEEA). June 2010 The MC-ICE and Mi-ACE joint conference took place in Troy Michigan called "Change: Navigating Our Future Together". It was at this conference that the new state organization, MCEEA, was introduced to existing members. The results of the Executive Board nominations and elections were announced and introduced at this time in preparation for the transition to the new leadership board beginning July 2010. |